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What's that saying? It takes a village?

Well, that's certainly true. We all have a part to play when it comes to really making a difference. 

The question is, what's yours?



Our heart for the young people of Bognor means that we want to provide well-run, high-quality, amazing events such as YoB Camp but at a SUPER affordable cost! Within this, we also love to offer free or subsidised places to those who need them, and we do this through liaising with schools in the local area. All of  YoB Camp's leaders are volunteers, and they serve with Youth of Bognor because of they long to see the youth of this town revived!

YoB Camp runs almost entirely on donations - both from our wonderful volunteer leaders (who donate to come!) and from our incredible supporters who bless us with their money! 

Sound like something you want to see thrive? We would be honoured if you would donate to us! 



Fundraising is essential for any charity - and we are no exception! 

We are eternally grateful for the amazing people who choose to give their time (and talents!) to run races, host afternoon teas, facilitate bake sales, swim big swims and do all the other crazy and brilliant stuff our fundraisers do to help us raise money for YoB Camp! And we are ALWAYS looking for more people to join our adventure and help make YoB Camp happen. The funds we raise go towards the logistics of making camp happen (such as buying equipment & resources etc) and also contribute towards funding places for YoB's who otherwise might struggle to afford to come! 

Want to partner with us but not sure how? Why not find a way to fundraise for us!



Without our team of wonderful, hilarious, hard-working, kind, joyous, silly, caring, prayerful and passionate volunteers, we literally could not do what we do! Yob Camp simply wouldn't function! Our volunteers mean the world to us -  we are family.

We are proud, honoured, blessed and eternally grateful to the Lord to have been called to serve these young people, in this town, for a time such as this (Esther 4:14). 

We love YoB Camp. We love young people. We love Bognor Regis. We love God. We'd love to invite you to join our crazy and wonderfully silly family. 

Stirred to be a part of a community seeking change? Come and join our volunteer team!



Here at Youth of Bognor, we believe that nothing of lasting significance happens without prayer. And we are on a mission to make an impact that lasts a lifetime! There are LOADS of things that you could pray over for us: for floods of young people to come on camp, for Young Leaders that we can disciple and invest in, for more epic volunteers to join our family, for resources and equipment to be gifted to us, for funds to be raised and donated to us... the list is endless! 

But most importantly, we want Jesus. We want to see Jesus known amongst us. We want to worship God in Spirit and Truth. We want to sing things, and say things, and do things that lift Jesus high. We want to be a people of persistent and perseverant prayer. 

Are you someone who prays? Why not partner with us in prayer as we pray for God's will to be done on YoB Camp as in Heaven!


If you are wanting to make a payment to Youth of Bognor, please do so via the bank details below!

Cheques payable to Youth of Bognor. 

HSBC Account Name: Youth of Bognor

Account Number: 51632736

Sort Code: 40-12-23

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